No institution in the country can run parallel to Constitution...?

First, create an online portal where complaints related to Waqf can be registered. Suppose, I am a common man and the Waqf Board stakes its claim on my land, where will I go? Will the person look for livelihood or get caught in such a mess? Waqf has constitutional recognition, there will be no hearing in front of DM-SP, one will have to go directly to the High Court. How many common people go to the High Court-Supreme court and what is the fee of their lawyers, this is not hidden from anyone. Therefore, a portal should be created where people can directly register complaints and the concerned department can settle it. Such a portal where any person or organization can register its complaint against the occupation of Waqf.

Second, demographic imbalance is created due to encroachment. Attention should be paid to this. The movements against illegal mosques in shimla and then Mandi have shown that when people of a particular community come and settle somewhere, illegal encroachment comes with them. This can be in the form of a mazar, dargah, mosque or madrasa. In Jharkhand, the lands of the tribal community are going to these people. In Himachal Pradesh, we heard women who said that they are feeling unsafe due to the change in demography. We are facing the brunt of the change in demography on India's borders. Due to this, the jurisdiction of BSF had to be increased.

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