First Sanatan, then how can it be Waqf's right?

JPC should consider whether any foreign religiously inspired organization can claim the land on which Vedas were written? How can Arab ideology dominate the forests of holy land of india where our sages built ashrams, the inaccessible mountains where they did penance and the rivers on whose banks they wrote scriptures? The reason for saying this is that Waqf Board says that it manages the lands written in the name of Allah. Then how did the lands that belonged to Sanatan dharma before the emergence of islam become theirs? If tomorrow people write the lands in the name of china and Pakistan, will it become theirs?

A Hindu Board should be established at the central level parallel to Waqf Board. At least Hindus should know that if someone usurps their lands in the name of religion, then where should they go for help. This organization should look after the management and operation of all big temples at the central level. The money of temples should be spent in the interest of Hindus only. Committees should be formed for small temples situated in villages. If temples are strong then the civilization will be strong, foreign intentions will automatically weaken. Wherever repairs are needed in these temples, work should be done there.

Seventh, taking the previous point forward, I demand that Hindu committees should be formed at the state level as well which should have constitutional status on the lines of Waqf. Apart from the office bearers of major Hindu organizations, Hindu activists and enlightened people of Hindu society, priests should also be included in this committee. These should provide legal help and other types of assistance to Hindus at the local level.

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