Houthi, Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran... how can they destroy?

There is a sher by haider ali Atish. We used to hear a lot of noise in the side of the heart, but when it was cut open, not even a drop of blood came out. There is a saying on the same lines that digging a mountain to find a mouse. Perhaps the condition of a country like israel is the same at the momentThis is the same israel, whose intelligence agency Mossad was cited as an example, this is the same Israel, on whose attack system defense experts from all over the world used to do research. This is the same israel whose air defense system Iron Dome was said to be so strong that even countries like America and russia were jealous of it.

Now, defying all the security system, all the air defense system and all the iron Dome of this Israel, Houthi rebels of a small country Yemen have succeeded in launching their ballistic missile in the middle of israel near the capital Tel Aviv. This has created a serious threat for a country like Israel.

Last year, 8 rockets entered israel by dodging the iron Dome. 7 october 2023 was the date when the Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas fired about 8 thousand rockets at israel simultaneously. Then for the first time, not only Israel's intelligence agency Mossad was criticized, but questions were also raised on the iron Dome, known as Israel's defense shield. prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu silenced these questions by launching a counter attack. About a year has passed since then. Netanyahu said that the war will end when Hamas is finished. So neither Netanyahu could finish Hamas nor the war could end. Meanwhile, iran also indirectly supported Hamas.

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