Vice President gave advice on calling cbi a 'caged parrot'...

Recently, a judge of the supreme court bench commented on the investigation agency cbi as a caged parrot. On which Vice President jagdeep dhankhar has also given a statement. Vice President jagdeep dhankhar has said that institutions including the election commission and investigative agencies perform their duty in difficult circumstances. In such a situation, a negative comment can "discourage" them. Vice President jagdeep dhankhar has given his reaction to the comment made by a supreme court judge at an event in mumbai on sunday (September 15). In fact, recently a supreme court judge had said that the notion of cbi being a caged parrot should be removed.

Need to be cautious about the institutions of the country - Vice President

Vice President of the country jagdeep dhankhar said, 'There is a need to be cautious about the institutions of the country. Because he is working firmly under the law with proper checks and balances. Addressing the program, Dhankhar said that all the organs of the state have the same objective that the common man gets all the rights and india flourishes and prospers.

Institutions need to work together in unity

The Vice President said, "They need to work together in unity to nurture and flourish democratic values and further constitutional ideals. Do not let these sacred forums legislature, executive and judiciary become the trigger point of political inflammatory debate. Because this is harmful for the institutions that serve the country well even in challenging and difficult circumstances.

Institutions perform their duties in difficult circumstances

While referring to institutions, he mentioned the election commission and investigative agencies. He was of the view that institutions perform their duties in difficult circumstances. In such a situation, any negative comments on them can "discourage" and disappoint them. Dhankhar said, "This can give rise to a political debate and create a discussion. We have to be very careful about our institutions. They are strong, they are working independently under the rule of law and there are proper checks and balances.

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