Does prashant Kishor's new party have the appropriate timing?

Almost everyone said that prashant kishor had launched a new party at the right time. ABP news also spoke to Amarendra Singh, who is associated with the IT field and hails from Gopalganj district in Bihar. He said, 'Bihar needs a third front and this third front should be like prashant Kishor. JDU and RJD have been in power for decades but they have not done much development. Because there is no one to raise voiceUsually leaders divide people on the basis of caste and make them fight. But prashant kishor is showing the mirror to the people. He is telling them the truth. He will not be able to end casteism completely, but two years of hard work will definitely have an impact.'

At the same time, political expert santosh kumar said, it is the right time for prashant kishor to launch a new party in Bihar. nitish kumar has been in power for 20 years. There is no case of corruption against him, but when a government remains in power for a long time, a feeling of dissatisfaction comes among the people. Earlier there was no road, now the road is built. There was no electricity, now there is electricity. Crime incidents had reduced in the middle, now they have increased again. prashant kishor has come at the right time. If he stays for 15-20 years, he can make a place for himself in politics.

However, he also said that it is difficult for prashant kishor to form a government alone. He will have to form an alliance with some party. Only if he forms an alliancehe will be able to succeed. Otherwise, many such leaders have come and gone before. prashant kishor will also go away after playing the role of a vote cutter.

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