China and pakistan will not be able to escape even in Hades!

A deal is going to be made between india and france, which will make the enemies bite the dust even in Hades. India's diplomatic, strategic, tactical, economic relations with countries around the world are moving towards touching new heights. In this episode, the strategic defense partnership between india and France's Emmanuel Macron government is going to be another big step.

National Security Advisor (NSA) Ajit Doval is going to paris to participate in the India-France Strategic Dialogue on 30 september and 1 October. During this, there will be a discussion on many issues between NSA Ajit Doval and President Macron's diplomatic advisor Emmanuel Bon. In this conversation, such deals are to be discussed mainly, which will increase India's strength under the sea.

India will teach a lesson to the enemies in Hades!

The talks between NSA Doval and Macron's diplomatic advisor Bonn on the issues of nuclear attack submarine, aircraft engine with 110 kg Newton thrust and underwater drone will seal the deal between france and India. Not only this, france may also be ready to share the technology of all these with India.

This deal with france will blow the minds of china and Pakistan. After the Rafale deal, india will now be ready to teach a lesson to its enemies even under the sea. With this deal of nuclear attack submarine, underwater drone, the increasing Chinese infiltration in the indian Ocean will be stopped. Not only this, pakistan will also come under its purview.

India's power will increase from sea to sky

Every movement of enemies under the sea can be monitored with the nuclear attack submarine. At the same time, underwater drone will also increase India's power. Talking about the aircraft engine with 110 kg Newton thrust, these can be used in indigenous aircraft. It can be said that this deal with france will prove to be an important step in preparing india to give a befitting reply to Pakistan's nefarious activities and China's arrogance.

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