How many members are there in UNSC?

There are 15 members of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). of which ten are temporary members and five are permanent members. The United States, Russia, China, Britain, and france are among the permanent members. Every two years, temporary members are chosen. These representatives are not eligible for reelection because they were chosen based on regional representation. When the temporary members' terms expire, new members are chosen.

For what reason are interim members chosen every two years?

Retaining a geographical balance in the Security Council is the primary goal of the two-year temporary member election process. To choose which nations will be designated as temporary members, elections are held among the member nations. Five nations use this to chose two each from Asia or Africa, South America, Eastern and Western Europe, and one from South America. Three of the five seats are designated for countries in Africa, and two are designated for countries in Asia. india has frequently joined it temporarily.

How may india become a member of this group?

1. Gathering international support: india needs the help of other nations, particularly industrialized nations. india will need to advance its global vision, development projects, and peace missions in order to do this.

2. The initiative to amend the Constitution: A proposal for the UNSC's revision must be presented to the UN General Assembly. india will need to collaborate with other nations and take an active part in this process.

3. Powerful military and economic demonstration: India's expanding military and economic prowess is encouraging. india has to be recognized as a global force.

4. international diplomacy: india must vigorously carry out its diplomatic plans, which include taking up global concerns and upholding its human rights obligations.

5. Support for developing nations: Increasing India's aid and backing for developing nations in order to garner their support for India's bid for permanent membership. Through these measures, india can accomplish its aim of permanent membership in the UNSC.

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