Jamili elections affect states in India..!?

* Injustice to states with Jamili elections.
* Survival of regional parties is difficult.
* All powers are in the hands of national parties.

Currently, everyone is talking about Jamili elections across the country. Actually, the Modi government has been silent about this election until recently. But as Modi did not get a majority in the Monati parliament elections, now Jamili has brought the elections to the fore. If the Modi government follows the same trend, elections will be held simultaneously across the country by 2026. But some people say that if these Jamili elections are held, regional parties will suffer. Also, if the governments collapse in the states, they say there is a chance to hold by-elections. But after two years of Jamili elections, if the government collapses in any state non-liquor elections will be held.
 Then it is said that elections will not be held in that state for another 5 years. But according to Jamili's election rules, elections will be held in that state as well, just as elections are held across the country in three years. That means that the interim government will be for three years only. There is a chance of loss in crores of rupees. If this is not possible, there is a chance to impose a President's rule for those three years, some say. Former President ram nath kovind also clarified the same thing.
 If the President's rule is imposed, the people of that state will surely experience hell. Development drops to zero. In the absence of a stable government, even the welfare schemes cannot be implemented. The president's rule means that people get scared. Some say that such a three-year President's rule is the worst. So some argue that Jamili elections are against democracy.

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