Who is the obstacle in India's path?

Actually, there are 5 permanent member countries in the Security Council, out of which 4 i.e. America, UK, france and Russia are in support of making india a permanent member, but China is the only permanent member country which has been opposing this. china does not want india to join such a big platform as a permanent member. It fears that India's permanent membership can challenge its regional and political influence.

Apart from china, some other countries of the world, such as pakistan, oppose India's permanent membership. pakistan has been making political statements against india for a long time, which weakens India's position in the UNSC.

Many times this issue has also been raised that new permanent members should be included in the UN Security Council without veto. However, consensus is not reached on this. Apart from this, permanent member countries are also not agreeing to give up their veto power. Nor do they agree to give this right to any other country. The UN Charter will have to be amended for India's membership. For this, confirmation from two-thirds of the countries along with the permanent members is necessary.

Apart from this, the western countries are also worried that if india gets permanent membership, it may not keep pace with the American interests. According to experts, even though America has advocated permanent membership for india on many occasions, in reality the American policy makers will hardly bring it to the ground.

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