What is the benefit to india of getting permanent membership?

Permanent membership will strengthen India's global political position, allowing it to raise its voice more effectively on the international stageApart from this, as a permanent member of the UNSC, india will be able to directly participate in decisions related to international peace and security, which will strengthen its position in global security matters.

India's permanent membership will promote the voice of developing countries, which will help in establishing a balance in global policies. On the other hand, on becoming a permanent member, India will be able to play a more effective role in international security cooperation, especially on issues like terrorism and cyber security.

Not only this, getting permanent membership will strengthen India's global position, it can increase foreign investment and trade relations, which will benefit the country's economy. India's permanent membership can increase strategic stability in South Asia, which will improve regional security.

Why is it so important for world peace that india gets permanent membership in the UN Security Council?

1. Representation of developing countries: india, as a large developing country, will strengthen the voice of the global south and give prominence to the issues of developing countries.

2. Fight against terrorism: india will be able to take more effective steps at the international level against terrorism and extremism, which is extremely important for global security.

3. Corruption and human rights: india will be able to highlight its views on the issues of human rights and social justice, which will lead to more cooperation and consensus at the global level.

4. Regional stability: India's membership will increase security and stability in South Asia, which will help in resolving regional conflicts.

5. Global cooperation: India's permanent membership will make more cooperation possible on various global issues, such as climate change and economic development, which will be beneficial for all countries.

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