This move of China taken America's sleep away...

Both America and china are engaged in a race to become more powerful than each other. Both countries are increasing their military power very fast. In this episode, China's People's Liberation army has successfully launched an intercontinental ballistic missile in the Pacific Ocean. After this missile launch, tension has increased in America and its friendly countries. According to china, their missile launch was completely successful and the missile was launched according to international laws.

No country was targeted - China

China's Defense Ministry has given information on the launch of the intercontinental ballistic missile, it has been told that, 'The Rocket Force of the Chinese army launched an ICBM carrying a dummy weapon in the Pacific Ocean at 08:44 am on september 25. The missile fell in the same sea area where it was expected. This launch is a regular arrangement in our annual training plan. This launch is in accordance with international law and international practice. It was not targeted towards any country.'

China's reply to America

Recently, America has deployed its Mid-Range Capability (MRC)/Typhoon missile system in the Indo-Pacific region. China is angry with this move of America. Chinese officials have complained several times about the deployment of missile systems in the region. Perhaps this is why China's missile launch is being seen as a response. Apart from this, in october last year, the US Defense Department had said that china is building its nuclear arsenal faster than America.

At present, this tension between the two countries can increase even more. According to the information, America is planning to deploy this missile system in japan as well. If this happens, the dispute between the two countries can heat up even more, which will also affect the neighboring countries.

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