What is Turkey's problem with India?

Everyone knows that pakistan opposes India's permanent membership in the UNSC, but Turkey's opposition is not talked about that often. In fact, Turkey supports pakistan against India. There are close relations between pakistan and Turkey. Turkey often stands with pakistan, which helps in weakening India's demand for permanent membership. turkey even supports pakistan on the kashmir issue.

Turkey considers itself a leading Islamic country. It wants to take the lead in the Islamic world. It feels that India's becoming a permanent member of the UNSC will weaken the voice of the Islamic world. turkey wants to increase its influence in the Middle east and Central Asia. It feels that India's becoming a permanent member of the UNSC will increase India's influence in the region, which can prove to be a challenge for Turkey.

On the other hand, turkey wants to become a member of the european Union. Many countries of the european union believe that it would be hasty to make india a permanent member of the UNSC. turkey has formed a group along with many other countries which is against increasing the number of permanent members in the UNSC. This group believes that increasing the number of permanent members in the UNSC will reduce the effectiveness of the United Nations.

However, Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has also said in a statement that if countries like india become permanent members of the UNSC, turkey will be 'proud'. Apart from America, China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, other countries should also get the opportunity to become members of the Security Council in turn.

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