Do you know the Work and power of Security Council?

1-The Security Council is the most powerful unit of the United Nations. Its biggest responsibility is to maintain peace and security in the whole world.

2-This organization runs peace missions which also include military action. Apart from this, it can also impose international sanctions.

3-Its power can be gauged from the fact that it can issue binding resolutions on member countries and this power is only with this institution of the United Nations.

4-Under the United Nations Charter, all member countries follow the decisions and rules of the Security Council. Currently, all five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council have veto power. Veto power means 'prohibition power'.

5-If any permanent member does not agree with the decision of the permanent members, then he can stop that decision by using the veto. china stops india from joining this organization by using its veto.

What is the next step for India?

Many countries believe that the United Nations needs a lot of reform. Including developed countries like india in the Security Council will be beneficial for the United Nations and the international community. But, india will have to make more efforts to respond to criticisms to make its demand more legitimate.

India has a great status in South Asia, this cannot be denied. But political tolerance is decreasing here. This affects democracy. This issue has to be resolved. India has problems like human development, economic inequality and lack of infrastructure. This affects its image in the world. Therefore, these are also many big reasons which are becoming a hindrance in the way of india getting a permanent seat in the Security Council.

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