Why is it costing israel dearly to kill 'enemies'?

The conflict between israel and Hezbollah has increased. Which is now affecting Israel's economy. American rating agency moody's has reduced Israel's credit rating for the second time this year. This time it has been reduced by two notches. For this, they have cited the fight with Lebanon's Hezbollah terrorist group and Israel's lack of strategy to end the war.

It will have a negative impact on Israel's economy

The leading credit rating agency has reduced Israel's score from A2 to Baa1. After this, it will now have a negative impact on Israel's economy. israel may face problems in taking loans in the future. Due to low credit rating, the Israeli government will have to pay more interest to take loans. This has happened at a time when it needs more money to meet the cost of the ongoing war. Apart from this, investors are seeing more risk in investing in the country.

The cost of war has increased to $ 67.6 billion

Since the conflict began on october 7, the direct war cost has increased to more than $ 67.6 billion. During this time Hamas terrorists attacked the southern communities of Israel. About 1,200 people were killed in this attack. While the terrorists took 251 people hostage.

Moody's said this

Leading credit rating agency moody's said that security risks are increasing in israel at this time. Apart from this, conflict is also increasing there. In such a situation, we do not expect a fast and strong economic recovery. Due to which the economy will also grow at a slow pace, which will make the possibility of stabilization of the public debt ratio even less than our earlier estimates.

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