Reportedly Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) leader Tejashwi Yadav was on monday accused of stealing items, including taps, while vacating the Deputy Chief Minister’s official residence in Bihar’s Patna. Kumar alleged that the allegations were made by Satrudhan Kumar, the personal secretary to Bihar’s present Deputy chief minister, Samrat Choudhary. Several important items including a sofa, plant pots, and air conditioners, are reported missing from the official bungalow. chief minister Nitish Kumar’s party Janata Dal (United) also echoed the bjp, saying it was already unfortunate that Tejashwi vacated the government bungalow so long after stepping down from his position.

Meanwhile Tejashwi vacated the official residence on Sunday, after which it was allotted to Choudhary. chief minister Nitish Kumar’s party Janata Dal (United) also echoed the bjp, saying it was already unfortunate that Tejashwi vacated the government bungalow so long after stepping down from his position.

JDU spokesperson neeraj kumar said “This was already unfortunate, and to add, Tejashwi took away the valuables too”. Meanwhile, the RJD refuted the allegations, as party spokesperson Mrityunjay Tiwari claimed the bjp was being involved in petty politics. Chief minister Nitish Kumar’s party Janata Dal (United) also echoed the bjp, saying it was already unfortunate that Tejashwi vacated the government bungalow so long after stepping down from his position. 

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