Politics has intensified on Monday's raid by Enforcement Directorate (ED) at aam aadmi party mp sanjeev Arora's house. AAP convenor arvind kejriwal called the ED raid politically motivated. He said that the prime minister is working to put innocent people in jail from morning till evening. arvind kejriwal said that action is being taken to eliminate AAP leaders. He said that investigation against corruption is not being done. We have no fear if god is with us.

AAP convenor said that ED arrested me. After the arrest of manish Sisodia, Sanjay Singh, Satyendra Jain, today rajya sabha mp sanjeev Arora was raided. He said that looking at the action, it seems that the prime minister is badly after a party. The country has come to know that the prime minister is working only for a friend. He accused bjp of getting AAP leaders arrested.

We have not done anything wrong - Arvind Kejriwal

arvind kejriwal said that the prime minister gives one speech and does something else. The prime minister has used agencies and resources to destroy a party. We have not done anything wrong, so we are not afraid of anything. He said that the truth of PM Modi is coming out in front of the people. people are troubled by unemployment, inflation and corruption.

What did AAP mp sanjeev Arora say on ED raid?

Aam Aadmi Party's rajya sabha mp sanjeev Arora also reacted to the ED raid. sanjeev Arora wrote on social media platform X, "I am a law-abiding citizen. I do not know the reason for the search operation. I will fully cooperate with the agencies and answer every question."

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