In the world of politics, there’s no shortage of big promises, but Andhra Pradesh's IT minister nara lokesh has taken the cake—and it’s a three-tiered one, just like his ambitions. In his latest tête-à-tête with national media, lokesh revealed his grandiose pledge to prime minister Modi: a promise to deliver 22 seats to the nda from Andhra Pradesh. Spoiler alert: he fell one seat short. He won 21. So, naturally, he apologized to Modi for this slight “oopsie.” After all, what’s a little electoral math between friends?

"Sorry, Modi ji, I just miscounted! I was aiming for a full dozen, but hey, one less isn’t too shabby, right?” one can imagine him chuckling while scratching his head.

When pressed about potential pressures from the india bloc to hop on their bandwagon before the nda government took its rightful place, Lokesh's loyalty shone through like a glimmering, albeit slightly misplaced, beacon. “Our loyalties are always with nda,” he declared, as if reciting the political equivalent of a solemn oath. It’s almost like he was channeling a medieval knight, ready to slay dragons—or at least press releases.

And then came the pièce de résistance: Lokesh’s assessment of the NDA’s first 100 days in power. “It’s still early doors,” he mused with the wisdom of someone who had just finished a particularly riveting game of Monopoly. “But don’t worry! We’re on the path to delivering unparalleled governance. Just look at our job creation efforts!” Because nothing says “unparalleled” like a few job fairs and increased pensions, right?

In a moment of sheer poetic beauty, he continued: “We have restarted Anna canteens to feed the marginalized.” A noble endeavor, indeed! Who knew that slashing through bureaucratic red tape could be as simple as serving up some hot meals?

Lokesh’s confidence was palpable, radiating from him like the warm glow of a cheap LED bulb. His vision for a “golden rule” in andhra pradesh over the next five years involves reforming the administrative system, creating jobs, and eradicating corruption. And let’s not forget: he’s aiming to be remembered as a “job creator.” The political landscape may be murky, but with ambitions like these, he’s certainly on the right track to become the next Indiana Jones of job creation—or perhaps just Indiana Job?

So, as nara lokesh steps boldly into his role, one can’t help but sit back and enjoy the show. Will he fulfill his promise of unparalleled governance? Will he deliver that elusive 22nd seat next time? Or will he just keep making promises like a child making resolutions every New Year’s? Only time will tell—but one thing’s for sure: it’s going to be one entertaining political saga!

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