No Stick Waving? How Will We Know There’s a VIP on the Move?

In a move that is sure to shake the very foundations of VIP culture, omar abdullah, on his very first day back as the chief minister of Jammu and Kashmir, has issued an earth-shattering directive: no more stick-waving during his movements. Yes, you read that right—our once-beloved, baton-swinging, motorcade-clearing spectacle may soon be a relic of the past.

Imagine this: you’re going about your daily business, and suddenly, out of nowhere, a convoy whizzes by without the customary frantic gesticulations of well-armed officers. What are the masses supposed to do? How will we know to slam on our brakes and pull over in sheer terror when the VIP procession cruises by? The mind reels.

But omar abdullah isn’t stopping there. No, he’s doubling down on this “inconvenience minimization” nonsense by instructing the police to skip the dramatic creation of green corridors too. That's right, folks—no more halting traffic for miles to ensure that his motorcade glides through without so much as a honk or a bump. It seems Abdullah might actually prefer to experience, dare we say, real-world traffic conditions like the rest of us. Perhaps next he’ll suggest replacing sirens with soothing background music and swapping out the police escort for a peaceful bicycle ride.

How radical! Is this the new "VIP life"? To travel among us mere mortals without the obligatory show of force? What’s next? Should we expect him to actually stop at traffic lights too?

It seems Abdullah’s wild and risky idea of a “green corridor-free” life might be trying to send a message—that VIPs are, gasp, normal people. But who are we to question such audacious and forward-thinking governance? Let’s hope the stick-waving isn’t all we lose; maybe we’ll also say goodbye to the tradition of clearing out entire highways for the sake of one person’s timely arrival.

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