During the Second World war, many such incidents took place around the world whose effects can be seen till date. During this time many people migrated and many people got away from their country. One such incident also happened in Germany. Actually, during the Second World war, a small community of American soldiers was settled in Germany. Now that place has become a small America.

How did a small America settle in Germany?

During the Second World war, germany was divided into two parts. American, british and French soldiers occupied West Germany. These soldiers had to help establish peace in germany and rebuild the country. At the same time, American soldiers built military bases in different cities of Germany. American soldiers as well as their families lived at these bases. These bases had American schools, churches, cinemas and other facilities. These American military bases looked like small American cities within Germany. American lifestyle was followed here. American soldiers and their families spoke english, ate American food and lived American culture.

Initially, the relationship between the German people and American soldiers was tense, but gradually friendship grew between the two. After this, American soldiers taught english to the local people and introduced them to American culture. At the same time, the local people told the American soldiers about German culture and history. After this, the Second World war ended and some American soldiers left, but some settled there and now a small America has been formed there.

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