police has solved the case of murder of elderly in Malviya nagar area of the capital Delhi. After investigating more than 500 CCTV footage, police has arrested servant Abhay Sikarwar. police arrested the accused from Moti nagar area of West Delhi. Where he was working as a cook.

Elderly man stabbed to death

In fact, a 64-year-old man was stabbed to death on 25 november 2024 in Panchsheel Park of Malviya nagar police station area of Delhi. The deceased was identified as Rohit Kumar. police got information about this incident from PCR call. The son of the elderly called the police and informed that his father was lying inside the house soaked in blood. As soon as the information was received, the police immediately reached the spot, where the elderly was found in a bloody condition, there were many knife wounds on his neck and stomach.

The accused had entered with the intention of theft

During the police investigation, it was found that there was no theft of any kind in the house. The police felt that someone known to the deceased may have a hand in this murder. In such a situation, the police registered a case of murder and started investigation. The accused was identified after investigating more than 500 CCTV cameras. The accused Abhay had worked as a servant in the deceased's house four years ago, so he knew about the entire building and knew that the elderly lived alone in the building.

In such a situation, Abhay entered their house with the intention of theft, during this time the elderly woke up and a scuffle broke out between the two. During this, the accused Abhay attacked the elderly with a knife, which led to his death. During police interrogation, the accused told that he committed the crime to pay off his debt and get a flat on rent for his girlfriend.

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