A day after the arrest of two-time aam aadmi party mla naresh Balyan from North Nagar, delhi, the party's national convener arvind kejriwal has made a big statement regarding the assembly elections 2025. Regarding the alliance in the delhi assembly elections, he said that we are not making any alliance. AAP will contest elections alone on all seats in Delhi.

On the decision of bjp to take out Parivartan yatra in all the assembly constituencies of delhi, he said, "Let them take it out. In democracy, everyone has the right to do so. In democracy, anyone can take out anything." 'The complainant has been arrested'

Earlier, AAP chief arvind kejriwal had said that my mla from Uttam Nagar, naresh Balyan, was arrested on 30 november 2024. Whereas he has been continuously complaining against the gangster. Now his child has been targeted.

Gangster Kapil Sangwan said that you should take money from these people and give it to us. naresh Baliyan has complained about this threat to delhi Police. Instead of taking action on his complaint, delhi Police arrested him. elections are going to be held in delhi in february 2025 for a total of 70 assembly seats. In this election, AAP is trying hard to return to power in delhi for the fourth time. On the other hand, this time bjp and congress leaders are also seen in an aggressive mood against AAP. In the 2020 assembly elections, out of 70 assembly seats, 62 seats were won. bjp candidates managed to win eight seats.

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