JDU's national chief spokesperson Rajiv Ranjan, while talking to ABP news on Wednesday, said that jagdeep dhankhar is the Vice President, His Excellency. There is no question of disagreeing with his words. Whatever Vice President jagdeep dhankhar said has a wider context. He has said that whatever should have happened for the farmers till now has not happened, but we want to say that the growth rate in the agriculture sector during the reign of the Modi government is good. This shows that the possibilities regarding the production, consumption, and distribution of agricultural products are better than before. The condition of farmers is better than before. A lot has been achieved. A lot is yet to be achieved.
What did minister Shravan Kumar say on the Vice President's statement?
At the same time, JDU quota minister Shravan Kumar supported the statement of Vice President jagdeep Dhankhar. He said that the Vice President is working to alert the central government that whatever is in the interest of the farmers, it should be resolved. The Vice President has not said anything wrong. I want to say that the central government should fulfill the promise it has made. If the central government has spoken about the interest of the farmers, then it should be implemented. The government should pay attention to the farmers and laborers. We agree with everything the Vice President has said.
Shravan Kumar said that I want to say that the farmers are doing farming at a loss. Farmers are troubled by natural disasters. The way bihar Chief minister Nitish Kumar is working for the benefit of farmers in bihar, the central government should work for the farmers in the same way in the entire country. bihar is the first state in the country where crop compensation scheme is implemented. In case of crop damage, money is given directly to the bank accounts of the farmers in Bihar. diesel subsidy is given on time. In bihar, farmers are given electricity at the rate of just 55 paise per minute. Our country is an agricultural country. Till the time the farmers are not happy, the country will not progress.