Usually every year we eagerly wait for the festivals, especially those holidays which give us a chance to relax and spend time with family, but in 2025, some special festivals and special days are coming, which are falling on saturday and sunday i.e. on your weekend, that is, we will not get the benefit of the holiday on these days. In such a situation, you have to sacrifice the separate leave for the festival. So let us know which festivals and special days are coming on saturday and sunday in 2025.

Meanwhile Republic Day- Republic Day is a special national festival of india, which is celebrated every year on 26 January. On this day the Constitution was implemented in india and it is a symbol of the democratic process of our country. However, in 2025, Republic Day is falling on sunday, that is, this day is falling on the weekend. Most government offices and offices are closed on this day, but it is on the weekend, so people will enjoy this day like a normal weekend and despite being a festival, there will be no separate holiday on this day.

Moreover Eid-ul-Zuha (Bakrid)- Bakrid (Eid-ul-Azha) is a special festival of the Islamic calendar, which is celebrated all over the world. This day is the day of sacrifice, when the Muslim community sacrifices goats and distributes meat among the poor. In 2025, Bakrid is falling on saturday (June 28, 2025), which means it will have to be celebrated on the weekend. While this day is very special, but due to being on the weekend, there will be no separate holiday on this day.

Janmashtami- Janmashtami is an important festival of hinduism, which is celebrated on the day of birth of Lord Shri Krishna. It is especially celebrated with reverence and devotion by krishna devotees. In 2025, Janmashtami is coming on saturday, which is a weekend day. On this day people offer prayers in temples and observe fast. However, since it is on saturday, it will have to be enjoyed on the weekend and no separate holiday will be given for it.

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