As soon as the code of conduct for the assembly elections ended, the investigation of pending applications under the Ladki Behen Yojana has started. According to the information of the women and Child Welfare Department, 20 lakh 84 thousand applicants have got the benefit of the scheme in pune district. At the same time, there are about 10 thousand women in pune, who had applied for this scheme and could not become eligible. In fact, till october 15, 21 lakh 11 thousand 363 applications were approved from the district for the scheme, while still 12 thousand applications are pending for investigation. So far 9 thousand 814 applications have been declared ineligible due to errors, while 5 thousand 814 applications have been provisionally rejected due to minor errors.
So many lakh applications came in pune city
6 lakh 82 thousand 55 came in pune city. 6 lakh 67 thousand 40 applications were accepted, out of which 3 thousand 494 applications were declared ineligible. Haveli taluka of the district received the highest number of applications i.e. 4 lakh 19 thousand 859, while 4 lakh 15 thousand 510 applications were accepted, out of which 1 thousand 166 applications were declared ineligible.
Total 21 lakh applications in the district
A total of 21 lakh 11 thousand 946 applications were received in pune district, out of which 20 lakh 84 thousand 364 applications were accepted, while 9 thousand 814 applications were declared ineligible.
Mahayuti benefited from the scheme in the elections
Let us tell you that in the maharashtra assembly elections, the Majhi Ladki Behan Yojana of Mahayuti proved to be a masterstroke. Impressed by this scheme, women have given bumper votes to Mahayuti. A beneficiary of this scheme said that I want to thank PM Modi for this scheme. Rs 1500 has started coming in our account. She said that with Rs 1500 we can fulfill our basic needs. We are the kings of this money. I express my gratitude to the chief minister of the state Devendra Fadnavis.