A police post was opened yesterday (Thursday, 12 December) in Gadchiroli, a Naxal-affected area of Maharashtra, at a place where there was no road even after so many years of independence. police say that with the help of this post, the influence of Naxalites can be reduced in a very large area. Gadchiroli police SP Niloptal said, "We have opened a new post at Pengunda today, which was proposed by us to be opened soon after the assembly elections.
This post is the first post to be opened on the Dudhraj-Pengunda-Nelgunda-Kavad axis, which will facilitate interstate connectivity from Indravati to Bijapur in chhattisgarh via Bedre. This post is about 15 km from Bhamragarh and 7 km from our previous existing police station Dudhraj.
With the help of the post, security will be provided to an area of 150 square kilometers.
Niloptal further said, "With the help of this post, security will be provided to an area of about 150 square kilometers. We have opened this post today on a kutcha road by making a temporary access of 7 km from our previous PS Dudhraj and we will build roads and bridges in the coming months after the approval of this road under the RCPLWEA (Road Connectivity Project for Left Wing Extremism Affected Areas) scheme of the home Ministry."
These facilities were given to the soldiers in the post
Before building this post, elaborate preparations were done including deployment of 21 C 60 parties around here, road checking (road opening) for 100 km etc. We used ballistic proof Mac Wall to build the wall of the post. A company of CRPF 113 BN battalion has reached on the first day itself. Apart from this, 2 platoons of SRPF, 4+45 contingent of Gadchiroli police and 6 C60 parties are deployed for the security of the post on the perimeter. On the first day of opening of the post, facilities like porta cabin, toilet block, WiFi facility, wireless connectivity, RO plant, borewell, electricity, helipad are being provided to all the officers and jawans.