Uttar Pradesh police Recruitment and Promotion Board has announced the date of medical and document verification for UP police Direct Recruitment 2023. The board gave information to this effect on the social media site X. The board wrote on X - DV / PST of the candidates found eligible for scrutiny of records and physical standard test (DV / PST) in the written examination conducted on 23, 24, 25, 30 and 31 august 2024 for direct recruitment to the posts of constable civil police will be started from 26 december 2024.
The Controller of Examinations of UP police Recruitment and Promotion Board said that the web link for downloading the admit card for the eligible candidates to participate in this process will be made available on the board's website on 16/12/2024. For detailed release and information, visit the board's website https://uppbpb.gov.in.
When will the Admit Card be available?
To participate in the DV and PST process, all eligible candidates have to download their admit cards. Admit cards will be made available on the official website of UPPRPB from december 16, 2024. Candidates are required to carry their admit cards along with all the required documents to the verification and testing venue as per the instructions given. Candidates should read all the details given on the admit card carefully and follow the guidelines issued by the board to avoid any last minute problems.
For additional information about the recruitment process, including detailed notification and updates, candidates should regularly visit the official website https://uppbpb.gov.in. Notification for UP police Recruitment Examination was issued in the year 2023. For this, the second time the exam was conducted in august 2024. When the exam was conducted for the first time, there were allegations of paper leak.