Reportedly the party's rajya sabha MP has given a big statement on the issue of whether the aam aadmi party will contest elections in delhi with allies or not. He said that AAP's national convenor arvind kejriwal has made it clear on wednesday that there is not going to be any alliance with congress in the upcoming assembly elections. AAP will contest elections alone. After this, there is no question of alliance with anyone. He further said, 'In the last three assembly elections, aam aadmi party has continuously defeated bjp badly. In the year 2015, our party won 67 out of 70 seats when PM narendra modi won Haryana, jharkhand and maharashtra assembly elections and campaigned for bjp in Delhi. After that, in the year 2020 also, AAP won 62 out of 70 seats alone. This time too our party will defeat bjp badly.

Previously AAP chief arvind kejriwal had made it clear through an X post that the aam aadmi party will fight the assembly elections alone. It will not form an alliance with anyone. With this statement of his, all possibilities of alliance between congress and AAP in the delhi assembly elections ended.

Moreover AAP's rajya sabha MP Raghav Chadha said on the alliance with congress that the news of alliance with congress is completely baseless. There is no question of any alliance with Congress. We will contest the elections on our own strength and win. Former cm arvind kejriwal claimed that AAP is going to form the government in delhi for the fourth time. Let us tell you that now barely 2 months are left for the delhi assembly elections. elections are to be held on a total of 70 seats in Delhi. This time there is a possibility of a triangular contest in Delhi.

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