Does the government collect data related to women and men?
The Government of india wants to know what is the condition of women in the country and what is the impact of the schemes run by the government on them. For this, the government collects many types of data. Different ministries and departments of the government collect data to monitor their schemes and programs. In these data, it is also seen how much benefit women and men are getting from the schemes.
The government said that many types of surveys and census are conducted which provide information about the condition of women and men. The government has also decided that it will also study the reports published around the world so that it can be known in which areas india needs to improve.
Which questions did the government not answer?
Many times it happens that the government avoids answering questions directly and starts boasting about its achievements or schemes. It seems that something similar has happened in the case of questions asked in the Lok Sabha. The question was asked whether the government is aware that our position in terms of equality between men and women in india has deteriorated in the last few years as compared to other countries of the world? In response, the government told about its various schemes (Beti Bachao Beti Padhao, Mission Shakti, Samagra Shiksha etc.). Whereas the government should have accepted that the ranking is falling and should have highlighted the reasons for it.
The government was asked whether you have tried to know why India's ranking is falling in terms of equality between men and women in the world? If yes, then in which areas immediate attention and improvement is needed? On this, the government again mentioned its schemes and told what it is doing to empower women. Whereas the government should have analyzed the reasons for falling ranking (eg, violence against women, discrimination in education and employment etc.) and should have told about the steps being taken to remove them. It is worrying that the government is avoiding answering direct questions on an important issue like gender inequality.