Reportedly before the cabinet expansion in maharashtra, the political stir in the state has intensified. Meanwhile, on thursday (December 19), maharashtra BJP President Chandrashekhar Bawankule had reached deputy cm Eknath Shinde's house in Thane. Here a meeting was held between the two leaders for about two hours. During the meeting, Chandrashekhar Bawankule also made deputy chief minister Eknath Shinde talk to cm devendra fadnavis on the phone. If sources are to be believed, there was a discussion about the ministerial post in the meeting between the two leaders.
Meanwhile Eknath Shinde's party shiv sena is likely to get 12 ministerial posts in the second government of Mahayuti. It is believed that shiv sena can get the Urban Development Ministry. Let us tell you that the swearing-in ceremony for the cabinet expansion will be held on december 14.
Moreover shiv sena Eknath Shinde has many leaders whose report card was very good in the previous government, while there are some names whose tenure did not prove to be good. Meanwhile, the 11 shiv sena leaders who can become ministers in this Mahayuti government include Gulabrao Patil, uday Samant, Vijay Shivtare, Shambhuraj Desai, Tanaji Sawant, deepak Kesarkar, Bharatsheth Gogavale, Sanjay Shirsat, Pratap Sarnaik, arjun Khotkar and Dada Bhuse.