Well, it seems that when it comes to international diplomacy, narendra modi has his priorities straight—Kuwait is calling, and Manipur? Well, Manipur can wait.
In a stunning display of political priorities, our beloved prime minister, narendra modi, is gearing up for yet another diplomatic visit to kuwait, while the state of Manipur remains mired in nearly two years of violence and unrest. But who needs to address a humanitarian crisis on home soil when you can hobnob with foreign dignitaries in the Gulf, right?
Manipur, a state that has been in turmoil since May 3, 2023, continues to grapple with escalating violence, unprecedented trauma, and a state of complete helplessness among its citizens. The people of Manipur, in their hour of need, are practically begging for the Prime Minister’s attention. They long to see him step foot on their soil and offer some semblance of hope. But no, Modi’s priorities seem to lie elsewhere.
While the people of Manipur endure the chaos of their daily lives—locked in a cycle of fear and uncertainty—Modi seems to have found a more pressing cause in his diplomatic visit to Kuwait. After all, kuwait is an ally, and we all know that international relations take precedence over domestic issues, right?
The people of Manipur, watching as their cries for help fade into the political ether, can only wonder if they’ll ever see the prime minister in person. Maybe Modi will grace them with his presence after another few years of turmoil. Or perhaps, like many of his promises, Manipur will simply fade from the national consciousness until the next election cycle.
One can only hope that someday, Modi will make the time to visit a state that is part of the Union of India—a place where the people long for his leadership, where the pain is real, and where the need for action is dire.