karan adani, Managing director of adani Ports and Special Economic Zone (APSEZ), said on friday that APSEZ has purchased eight state-of-the-art harbor tugs, with a total contract value of Rs 450 crore. In a post on social media platform X, karan adani said that the company has placed India's largest ever order for harbor tugs to Cochin Shipyard Limited. On the back of this news, Cochin Shipyard shares have seen a tremendous jump today and have seen a jump of Rs 73.25 or 5 per cent and closed at Rs 1539.05 per share.
What karan adani wrote in the social media post
karan adani wrote in the post, "8 advanced tugs worth Rs 450 crore will increase our fleet to 152. This record order strengthens our commitment to self-reliance while adhering to international standards of safety and efficiency in the maritime sector." According to the company, the delivery of these tugs is expected in december 2026 and will continue till May 2028, improving the efficiency and safety of vessel operations in indian ports.
Earlier, APSEZ awarded Cochin Shipyard Limited a contract to build two, 62-tonne bollard pull ASD (azimuthing stern drive) tugs for Ocean Sparkle Limited, both of which were delivered ahead of schedule and deployed at Paradip Port and New mangalore Port. The company said three additional ASD tugs are currently under construction, bringing the total order to 13 tugs, aimed at providing a young fleet for efficient and reliable services in the port sector. According to India's largest integrated transport utility company, this initiative underlines the importance of sustainable practices in shipbuilding and reinforces the strategic significance of the maritime industry in India's economic development.