Reportedly there has been a scam of Rs 21 crore 59 lakh in the Divisional sports Complex of Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar in Maharashtra. Everyone is shocked after the information of this scam came to light. A government employee of this sports complex has bought a bmw car and bike by embezzling crores. Along with this, the accused has also gifted a 4BHK flat to his girlfriend. The accused, along with his partner, has done this manipulation through internet banking from the sports Complex Administration. It is being told that the accused employee Harshal Kumar Anil Kshirsagar used to work as a computer operator here on contract and his salary was only 13 thousand rupees. Harshal Kumar, the main accused in the Rs 21.59 crore case, is currently absconding and the police is searching for him. On Tuesday, the Economic Crime Branch of Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar City police searched a 4BHK flat near aurangabad Airport.

Meanwhile the officials searched the flat for about four hours, but they found only household items. The accused had also taken the help of some other people in this case, including Yashoda Shetty and her husband BK Jeevan. The police have arrested both of them. All the accounts and related documents have been seized and frozen by the police. The police suspect that some more people may be involved in this.

Moreover the main accused allegedly used the old letterhead of the sports Department and sent an email to the bank, requesting to change the email address linked to the bank account of the sports complex. He had created a similar email address by changing just one letter. The main accused was able to use the newly created email. He then activated the netbanking service for the Divisional sports Complex Committee's account with a nationalized bank on Jalna Road. The police said that between July 1 and december 7, 2024, the computer operator transferred money to his and 12 other bank accounts. One of these accounts received Rs 3 crore. Investigation revealed that the absconding computer operator has purchased a bmw car worth ₹1.2 crore, another SUV worth ₹1.3 crore, a bmw motorcycle worth ₹32 lakh and a luxurious 4BHK flat.

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