A major accident took place in Hamirpur, Uttar Pradesh on Saturday. Here two trucks collided head-on at a petrol pump. The accident was so severe that both the trucks caught fire. The incident is of a petrol pump located on National Highway 34 in Sumerpur police station area. It is being told that there was a strong collision between two trucks near Sumerpur Mandi. During this, both the trucks suddenly caught fire.

The drivers and conductors of both the trucks are suspected to be trapped inside the truck. Meanwhile, information about the incident has been given to the local police and fire department.

Circle Officer Rajesh Kamal said, "After a head-on collision between two trucks near Sumerpur Mandi, it caught fire. fire department vehicles have reached the spot and the fire has been brought under control. A truck driver is suspected to be trapped, rescue operation is going on for this." At present, the video of this incident has gone viral.

Let us tell you that earlier there was an LPG tanker blast in Jaipur, the capital of Rajasthan. 20 people died in this incident. The video of this accident went viral on social media, people were severely burnt in the painful accident. The Central Transport Department has taken action against the Regional Officer of NHAI i.e. National Highway Authority of india regarding this matter.

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