As per report a case of death threats to Samajwadi party mp Ziaur rahman Barq and his father from sambhal seat of Uttar Pradesh has come to light. Kamil, a person working as a caretaker at the residence of the SP mp, has accused an unknown youth of threatening to kill the mp and his father. He said that the accused entered the MP's residence and threatened him, a complaint has been lodged in this matter at the Nakhasa police station. Kamil, who works as a caretaker at the residence of SP mp Ziaur rahman Barq, has lodged a complaint in this regard at the Nakhasa police station. Kamil said that the unknown accused entered the MP's residence and threatened to kill Barq and his father. The accused said that he would kill both the father and the son. After which the matter has heated up. After the complaint, the police have started investigating the matter.
Perhaps it is being told that the accused youth is the same one who had reached the mosque on the last Friday, after which the police took him into custody. However, in this case, the police had challaned the youth for disturbing the peace. The police is investigating the matter on the complaint of the caretaker.
Moreover let us tell you that SP mp Ziaur rahman Barq is the number one accused in the violence case that broke out during the survey of the mosque in Sambhal. After which the police administration is tightening its grip against him too. Recently, a case of illegal encroachment and electricity theft also came to light in his private residence, after which a complaint has also been lodged against him for electricity theft. It is alleged that when the electricity department team went to his house for investigation, the father of the SP mp had threatened the officials.