Currently big claims are being made by the yogi government regarding the Mahakumbh. Meanwhile, Samajwadi party national president and former chief minister akhilesh yadav has launched a major attack on the bjp regarding the preparations for Mahakumbh 2025. The SP mp has shared a video in which he is raising questions about the management. SP chief akhilesh yadav posted on instagram and wrote- "This is the truth of the preparations for 'Prayagraj Mahakumbh '2025' under the bjp government! At least the work of the police department should have been completed long ago because the management of the security circle does not wait for the last day. The aggrieved people of Prayagraj are asking that the bjp government was very prompt to remove the statue of Mahadani Emperor Harshvardhan, but why the same speed is not being shown for administrative management.

Perhaps the former cm further wrote- "The complaints that are being received about ignoring the needs and problems of the local people around Prayagraj and the fair area while doing the management should also be resolved immediately. Alternative arrangements should also be made to resolve the concerns of the residents of Prayagraj regarding traffic and transportation in case of an emergency. We want the maha Kumbh to go on and Prayagraj to keep moving forward."

akhilesh yadav further wrote- "If the government-administration has failed in the preparations for the maha Kumbh, then we propose to send our true and dedicated workers to help because the bjp people must be busy earning money or in election planning."

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