As per report Samajwadi party mp Avdhesh prasad has given a sharp reaction to the politics happening after the death of former prime minister Manmohan Singh. SP mp Avdhesh prasad took bjp to task and said, "Dr. manmohan singh has made fundamental changes in the country's economy while being the prime minister, for which he will always be remembered. The kind of politics that is happening after his death is not right for such a great personality, whose contribution has been in improving the country's economic condition."

Meanwhile Avadhesh prasad said, "After his death, allegations are being made that the congress party did not give him respect, but what can be a bigger proof than the fact that the congress party made Dr. manmohan singh the prime minister of the country?" The SP mp said, "It is not good to say such things after his death. If inspiration had been taken from him for improvement in the country, it would have been a good respect for that great personality. Today there are many problems in the country, which should be paid more attention to." manmohan singh breathed his last at the age of 92.

It is worth mentioning that former prime minister manmohan singh died on thursday at the age of 92. He suddenly fainted on the evening of 26 December, after which he was admitted to AIIMS in Delhi, where he breathed his last at 9:51 pm. The news of the death of the former PM sent a wave of mourning across the country. Many eminent leaders of the country including PM narendra Modi, congress leader rahul Gandhi, Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath expressed their condolences. Let us tell you here that seven days of national mourning was declared in the country on the death of the former PM.

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