Reportedly india endured its warmest year on record in 2024, the MeT said. It surpassed 2016 as the hottest ever since 1901 with an annual mean temperature rise of 0.65℃ over its long term average higher than 0.54℃ recorded in 2016. The india Meteorological Department (IMD), which defines its long term average from 1991 to 2020, said the year has had a series of record-breaking temperatures all through with an unprecedented rise of 0.83℃ in mean temperatures from october to December. July and september were the second-warmest in 123 years, while october became the hottest on record and november was the third-warmest since 1901.

Perhaps the impacts of climate change intensified, as warming caused an increase in intensity and frequency of extreme weather events. Deadly heat waves scorched large parts of india from april to June, upending lives and livelihoods. The searing heatwave conditions swept odisha and West bengal consecutively for more than 15 days in april leading to a rise in hospitalizations.

Moreover the top 10 hottest years have happened in the last decade, the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres had said in his last address, as 2024 came to a close. Additionally, a new report by an international group of experts under the World Weather Attribution and Climate Central said climate change had intensified 26 out of the 29 weather events and resulted in as many as 3,700 deaths and displaced millions.

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