Reportedly in Maharashtra's Akola, bjp has suspended 11 officials including a member of the Zilla Parishad from the party. It is claimed that these leaders had rebelled in the assembly elections held in November. They have been suspended from the party for six years. bjp district president kishore Mangte Patil told news agency PTI on monday (30 December) that state unit chief Chandrashekhar Bawankule has been informed about the action.

Meanwhile Prakash Atkad, Rajesh alias vishnu Yeul, Mangesh Chikhale, Rajendra Pundkar, vishal Gangane, Arvind Lande, Rajesh Pachde, vishnu Bodkhe, sunil Giri, Nilesh Tiwari and Chanchal Pitambarwale have been suspended.

Furthermore in the assembly elections held on november 20, bjp won in Akola East, but lost to congress in Akola West constituency. A major reason for this was considered to be the rebellion of these 11 leaders. In Akola West, Congress's sajid khan Pathan won by 1283 votes. Pathan got 88718 votes. At the same time, BJP's Agarwal Vijay Kamal kishore got 87435 votes. Harish Ratanlal was in third place. He got 21481 votes. In Akola East, BJP's Randhir Savarkar won. He got 108619 votes. shiv sena (UBT) leader Gopal Ramrao was in second place. He got 58006 votes. Here VBA's Gyaneshwar shankar was in third place with 50681 votes. Mahayuti has won a big victory in the maharashtra assembly election 2024. bjp got 132, shiv sena 57 and ncp got 41 seats. shiv sena (UBT), which is a part of MVA, got 20 seats, congress got 16 and ncp (SP) got 10 seats. SP won two and other parties won 10 seats.

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