delhi cm Atishi has responded to Union Agriculture minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan's letter about farmers. She said that BJP's talk about farmers is like Dawood preaching on non-violence. The condition of farmers has never been as bad as it was during the bjp rule. The cm said, "Farmers in punjab are on hunger strike, ask prime minister Narendra Modi to talk to them. Bullets and sticks were fired on farmers during bjp rule. Stop playing politics with farmers."
What did Shivraj Singh Chauhan say in the letter?
Shivraj Chauhan said, "The AAP government in delhi is extremely indifferent towards farmers. There is no sympathy for farmers in the Aam Aadmi Party's delhi government. kejriwal and Atishi in delhi have never taken appropriate decisions in the interest of farmers. kejriwal has always taken political advantage by making big announcements before elections.'' He said, ''As soon as kejriwal came to power, he started crying about his problems instead of taking decisions in the public interest. For 10 years, AAP has been in power in delhi, but former cm kejriwal has always cheated the farmers.''
What did he say while referring to free electricity?
The Union minister said, ''AAP talks about free electricity but the AAP government in delhi has fixed high electricity rates for farmers. Farmers are currently being charged commercial rates for electricity in Delhi. Cheap electricity is necessary for irrigation and other agricultural works, but in delhi, farmers are being charged a huge amount for agricultural electricity.'' He said, ''AAP government has cut off the electricity connections of irrigation equipment in the villages adjoining Yamuna, due to which they are facing a lot of difficulty in irrigation work. Farmers' crops are drying up and their livelihood is also in danger.''