In the 2013 riots case in muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh, the district MP/MLA court has framed charges against 19 people including UP minister kapil dev Agarwal, former Union minister sanjeev Balyan, VHP leader sadhvi prachi and Dasna's Mahant Swami Yati Narsinghanand. The next hearing on this case will be on january 30.
This case is related to the muzaffarnagar riots in western UP when a panchayat was organized in Nagla Mandaur village on 31 august 2013. In which inflammatory speeches were given by these leaders. After this case came to light, the police took action and a case has been registered against 21 people in Sikhera police station. In this case, a case was registered against the accused under Section 153 A, 353, 188 and 7 of the criminal Law Amendment Act for inciting riots. Since then, the hearing of this case was going on in the district's mp mla court. On Friday, the court has framed charges against 19 people in this case. After which the next hearing on this case has been fixed for january 30.
Charges framed against these leaders
The court has made former Union minister of State Dr. sanjeev Baliyan, former mla bjp Umesh Malik, SP mp Harinder Malik, Sonveer Singh, Yashpal Pawar, Independent Charge minister of State kapil dev Agarwal, former mp Bharatendu, former minister Suresh Rana, shyam Pal Chairman, Bittu Sikheda and sadhvi prachi accused in this case. While Virendra Pramukh has passed away and Shivkumar's file has been separated. In this way, charges have been framed against a total of 19 accused in the court.
Giving information about this case, bjp advocate Shyambir Singh has said that a panchayat was held in Nagla Mandoud in 2013. A case was registered in connection with it. After the charges were fixed, the date of 30 january 2025 has been fixed for testimony in this case. Charges are made only when all the people are present. All the people were present in the court on Friday. The lawyer said that now there is a testimony for evidence. Those who wrote the report are there and there is a complaint case. ADM sahab was among them, his testimony has to be given.