Moradabad Municipal Corporation has vacated its government property from Samajwadi party mla Samarpal Singh Chaudhary. Despite giving notices several times, when the property was not vacated, today the Municipal Corporation reached the spot with the police force and removed the illegal occupation and took the property in its possession.

Municipal Commissioner Divyanshu patel is strict against those who illegally occupy government properties. Municipal Corporation properties are being freed from occupation continuously in the city. Earlier also, the corporation has freed properties worth about 900 crores from occupation. Two properties worth Rs 15 crore were vacated today by the Municipal Corporation. According to the Municipal Corporation, one building was allotted to SP mla Samarpal Singh, while the other building was given to Dr. L.D. Chaturvedi. These buildings were occupied even after the allotment period ended. Notices were already issued to vacate them but they were not being vacated.

district collector also reached to vacate the house

The team of Municipal Corporation reached the spot and vacated both the buildings and took possession of them. The market value of this property has been estimated to be around Rs 15 crore. Municipal Commissioner Divyanshu patel said that some people have been illegally occupying the properties of the Municipal Corporation for years. Misuse of properties will not be tolerated under any circumstances. The campaign to remove all illegal encroachments will continue. Samarpal Singh Chaudhary is an SP mla from Naugawan Sadat assembly seat of amroha and was living in a house leased from the Municipal Corporation in Civil Lines, Moradabad for the last 15 years. The Municipal Corporation has evicted them and taken the house in its possession. During this, the district collector also reached the action being taken to vacate the government house.

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