Reportedly bjp mp from Delhi's chandni Chowk parliamentary seat praveen Khandelwal has issued a 'chargesheet' against the aam aadmi party government. In his chargesheet, Khandelwal has accused the AAP government of neglecting the people living in the 10 assembly constituencies that fall under the chandni Chowk parliamentary constituency. He claims that the aam aadmi party MLAs did not carry out development work. According to bjp mp praveen Khandelwal, despite being a major revenue area of the delhi government, all the assembly constituencies of the chandni Chowk parliamentary constituency are still in a bad state. There is discrimination on the basis of religion in Shahjahanabad's Matia Mahal, Ballimaran and chandni Chowk assembly constituencies. Dalit and backward caste dominated areas are completely neglected by the benefits of development.
Meanwhile posh areas of Model Town, Wazirpur, Shalimar Bagh are also victims of bad condition due to the negligence of AAP MLAs. "Adarsh nagar and Sadar Bazar have become slum areas due to the mismanagement of the AAP government." The mp further said in the press conference that in the last 10 years, chandni Chowk has become in such a condition that no one is afraid to come here. people are migrating from here and arvind kejriwal is responsible for this. people living here are facing a huge shortage of water. 90% of the complaints that we get are related to water or the delhi government. PWD, delhi Jal Board are with the delhi government. aam aadmi party has MLAs in all 10 assembly constituencies but they have not done any work other than looting.
In an exclusive conversation with ABP News, Khandelwal said, "Arvind kejriwal is ghajini, he forgets what all promises he made. I am calling him ghajini because none of the announcements he made in 10 years work on the ground. He makes a new announcement every day. Then he forgets it." praveen Khandelwal says that many works are being done in chandni Chowk keeping in view the multi-level parking, Chaat Pakora Museum, Torture Museum, water arrangements, convenience for businessmen.