As per report bjp mp praveen Khandelwal targeted the aam aadmi party while listing the problems of the chandni Chowk parliamentary constituency. He also made serious allegations against the MLAs. According to praveen Khandelwal, there are a lot of problems in Hindu-dominated areas, especially Dalit-dominated areas. He said that the broken roads in Khari Baoli, Fatehpuri, Old delhi Station, Naya Bazaar have not been repaired. The focus of MLAs and councillors is on Muslim dominated areas of Jama Masjid, Tilak Bazaar, Nawab Ganj, Kashmiri Gate. Civil Line is in a bad state due to overflowing sewer and dirt. He said that Sadar Bazar is struggling with encroachment. Model Town assembly constituency has become a slum. Development work has not been done from Chandrawal to Azadpur. Kamla nagar is struggling with lack of basic facilities. people of every street, every locality of Tri nagar assembly are forced to drink dirty water.

Perhaps he alleged that Wazirpur assembly constituency was in the news more due to corruption than development. people in Shakur Basti and Tri nagar assembly are troubled by problems of drinking water, sewer, cleanliness.

Moreover mp praveen Khandelwal said that there is remorse in the people of chandni Chowk. people of all 10 assembly constituencies are now looking towards BJP. It is hoped that people will rise above religion and caste and bring about change. He promised that bjp MLAs will rebuild chandni Chowk parliamentary constituency.

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