The bharatiya janata party has released the first list for the delhi Assembly elections. The names of 29 candidates have been announced in the first list of BJP. Along with this, the party has also expressed confidence in those who rebelled against aam aadmi party and congress and joined BJP. In the list of 29 candidates, bjp has given tickets to raj Kumar Bhatia from adarsh Nagar seat, deepak Chaudhary from Badli seat, Pravesh Verma from New delhi seat, Kailash Gehlot from Bijwasan seat, Ramesh Bidhuri from Kalkaji seat, Satish Upadhyay from Malviya nagar seat. While, Arvinder Singh Lovely from Gandhinagar seat, Vijendra Gupta from rohini seat, Dushyant gautam from Karol Bagh seat, Rajkumar Chauhan from Mangolpuri seat, Manjinder Singh Sirsa from Rajouri Garden seat, ashish Sood from Janakpuri seat have been made candidates.
Five big things about BJP's first list
1- This time bjp has also taken care of those leaders who have joined bjp from other parties. Rajkumar Anand, Rajkumar Chauhan and Kailash Gehlot who came from aam aadmi party have been honoured by bjp by giving them tickets. Arvinder Singh Lovely who came from congress party has also been fielded from gandhi nagar seat.
2- bjp is in the mood to fight a do-or-die battle in this election. bjp which has been out of power in delhi for 27 years has fielded all its big faces this time. While the party has given tickets to two former MPs, three former ministers have also been fielded.
3- bjp has fielded former mp Ramesh Bidhuri against delhi chief minister Atishi from Kalkaji seat and Pravesh Verma against arvind kejriwal from New delhi seat.
4- Like congress, bjp has also fielded former CM's son against Arvind Kejriwal. Let us tell you that congress candidate from New delhi seat sandeep Dixit is the son of former cm Sheila Dixit. Whereas, bjp candidate Pravesh Verma is the son of former cm Sahib Singh Verma. In such a situation, kejriwal is now contesting elections against the sons of two former Chief Ministers.
5- Two women candidates have also been given a chance in this list of BJP. Among them, rekha Gupta has been given a ticket from Shalimar Bagh. While Kumari Rinku has been fielded from Seemapuri (SC).