Reportedly no action has been taken so far in India, especially in andhra pradesh, on the involvement of adani Group and former chief minister YS Jaganmohan reddy administration in the bribery allegations of the US court. Meanwhile, the current tdp government has decided to wait for more evidence on this alleged scam. On a question from news after the cabinet meeting on Thursday, the state's Information and Broadcasting minister K Parthasarathy made it clear that the government is in favor of waiting right now and since the case is going on in the US, it will wait for the investigation report.

Perhaps in an off camera on record meeting with the media, chief minister Chandrababu Naidu said that it is not possible to cancel any agreement without concrete evidence, because the state may have to pay a heavy fine for this. Naidu said, "We cannot back out of any agreement until there is concrete evidence. We need to bring out more facts, if the allegations are proved right, then definitely action will be taken."

Moreover the matter came to light in november, when reports of bribery allegations in the US surfaced. On november 22, Naidu had termed the matter "damaging" in the state assembly and said that the government is investigating the facts and will take steps for appropriate action. Naidu linked this controversy to the example of adulteration in tirupati laddu. He said, "If I have to take action against jagan on this issue, then it is a laddu occasion, but I do not believe in the politics of revenge. This is the difference between tdp and YSRCP." The US allegations and the alleged involvement of the former jagan government and adani have not only stirred up the politics of andhra pradesh but the congress at the Centre is also attacking the Modi government demanding action. In such a situation, it is likely that the wait and watch move of the NDA's important constituent party tdp on this issue may further inflame politics.

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