patna police took Jan Suraj founder prashant kishor to Beur Jail on monday evening, where he will be shifted to the ward. prashant kishor has been sent to judicial custody for 14 days by the court. Today, on monday morning at 4 o'clock, prashant kishor was arrested by the police. After that he was produced in the court, where he refused to accept the bail condition given by the court. After that the court sent him to jail.
PK did not take bail with the condition, went to jail
Actually, prashant kishor, the mastermind of Jan Suraj Party, was on a hunger strike since january 2 regarding the demand of BPSC students. After which, at four o'clock in the morning on january 6, bihar police arrested prashant kishor from the hunger strike site gandhi statue. After this, prashant kishor talked to the media and he said that we were doing Satyagraha for the last five days, around 4 o'clock the police colleagues came and said come with me. Obviously, there were many people present with us, but I want to clarify that the police's behavior has not been bad. After this, he said that I will not take bail with a condition, because it is said that I will not do any such thing in future, which I cannot accept. I am ready to go to jail.
DM said action taken legally
Earlier, patna DM said that all the action has been taken legally. He said that some people are claiming that students are also included among those detained, but none of the 30 people who have been verified so far are students. Some people are claiming to be students, their verification is also being done. Action will be taken in the matter as per rules. The administration claims that some people have come from outside, who could have made the situation dangerous. That is why this action was taken. Let us tell you that Jan Suraj convenor prashant kishore was on a fast unto death in gandhi Maidan, patna, demanding the cancellation of the 70th BPSC preliminary examination.