RJD mp Surendra Yadav has given a controversial statement about prashant Kishore, the founder of Jan Suraj. Surendra Yadav reached Jehanabad on tuesday (07 january, 2025). Tejashwi prasad Yadav is going to reach here on january 15 under the Karyakarta Darshan Saha Samvad program. Surendra Yadav had reached to see the preparations for the same. During this, while talking to journalists, he gave a controversial statement about prashant Kishore.
Regarding prashant Kishore, who is on a hunger strike, Surendra Yadav said that if anyone fights the student's fight, then that student will fight and that student is the leader of Opposition Tejashwi Yadav. prashant kishore is a broker of the delhi government. No one will speak clearly in one line. Bihar's politics will not be done with brokers.
Surendra Yadav said that the way Tejashwi prasad gave the gift of jobs to the youth here during his 17-month tenure is a living proof. The youth of bihar are completely standing with Tejashwi Prasad. He said that the central government is scared of the popularity of leader of Opposition Tejashwi Yadav. In such a situation, the government is trying to mislead the people here by bringing people like prashant Kishore, but this is not possible.
Money being wasted in the name of travel
Further, mp Surendra prasad Yadav also attacked the travel of chief minister Nitish Kumar. He said that chief minister Nitish Kumar is wasting money in the name of travel. Two hundred and fifty crore rupees are being spent which is not going to benefit Bihar. The chief minister wants to brighten his tarnished face with money. If industries were opened here with this money, then unemployed youth could have got employment.