A case of molestation of a minor girl has come to light in Mira Road, Mumbai. people got angry after the incident came to light. They beat up the accused rickshaw driver. After the beating, the local residents took the accused in a semi-nude state to Kashimira police Station. It is said that the rickshaw driver was harassing the 12-year-old girl for a few days. The accused has been identified as 38-year-old Raju Verma. On the evening of Sunday, january 5, the girl had gone out for work.

Raju signaled the girl to go to the public toilet. The girl sensed the rickshaw driver's intention and ran away from the spot. On reaching home, she told her family about the incident. The matter reached the social organization of the area. The worker of the social organization laid a trap to catch the rickshaw driver red-handed. The girl was asked to go to the spot again. Seeing the minor girl coming back, the rickshaw driver again made obscene comments. The people who were lying in wait caught the rickshaw driver and beat him up.

Accused beaten, paraded naked

After the beating, the angry people paraded the accused naked. The video of the beating is going viral on social media. The accused can be seen being taken to Kashimira police station in a semi-nude state. Kashimira police have registered a case under POCSO against the accused rickshaw driver Raju. Senior police inspector Lalu Ture said, "We have arrested the accused. Further investigation is underway."

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