According to the charge sheet, lawrence gang had given a contract of Rs 17 lakh to carry out Baba's murder, which was deposited in the accounts of the accused from different bank accounts. To deposit this amount, lawrence Bishnoi gang used its sleeper cell and deposited money in the accounts of the accused through different henchmen, so that the police could not track the money trail.

This was the motive of the murder

According to the charge sheet, Baba's murder was carried out on the orders of Anmol Bishnoi and a total of three reasons behind this have emerged in the investigation. According to the Crime Branch, the motive behind Baba's murder was his closeness to salman khan and Dawood Ibrahim, the alleged murder of Anuj Thapan, accused in the salman khan firing case, and establishing the supremacy of Bishnoi gang in mumbai and behind these reasons, the Crime Branch has made the facebook post made by Shubham Lonkar after the murder as the basis in the charge sheet. According to the chargesheet filed by the Crime Branch, after the murder of baba Siddiqui, Anmol Bishnoi had asked his special henchmen to collect information about the builders of mumbai and prepare a list, so that they could be extorted by intimidating them.

Plan prepared to extort money from builders

According to Crime Branch sources, after the firing at salman Khan's house and the murder of baba Siddiqui, the lawrence Bishnoi gang started feeling that its terror had been established, so on the lines of Dawood gang, they had prepared a plan to extort money from builders, although till now it has not been revealed whether this gang has asked for money from anyone or not.

Conspiracy hatched after salman Khan's firing

In the chargesheet, the Crime Branch has claimed that the conspiracy to murder baba Siddiqui started immediately after the firing incident at salman Khan's house in april 2024. lawrence gang first planned to kill salman khan, but seeing his tight security, Bishnoi gang suddenly changed the plan and prepared a plan to kill his close friend baba Siddiqui.

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