Many questions are being raised about the nda alliance in Uttar Pradesh. These discussions have intensified due to the statements of two ministers of the UP government, ashish Patel and Sanjay Nishad. cabinet minister Om Prakash Rajbhar's statement has come out on the rift in NDA. He said that what he is saying is his own pain.

cabinet minister Om Prakash Rajbhar, while talking to Bharat Samachar, said that there is no problem anywhere in the nda alliance, everything is fine. If someone is saying something, then he must be telling his pain. There is no problem in the alliance. Everyone is in the nda by trusting cm yogi and prime minister Modi and is standing with the NDA.

Targeted Samajwadi Party

During this, Rajbhar also targeted the growing gap between the Samajwadi party and the Congress. He said that the Samajwadi party does not know how to maintain an alliance. So far they have formed an alliance with ten people and have broken the alliance with ten people. This is nothing new for them. He keeps breaking and joining, this is his job. He claimed that his party is working to strengthen its organization in bihar and Delhi. Subhaspa will also contest elections here.

In fact, recently, technology minister ashish Patel in the yogi government was seen cornering his own government. He made serious allegations against the STF during a press conference, after which the matter became heated. After the controversy escalated, cm yogi met him and he also met bjp President jp nadda in Delhi. Apart from ashish Patel, minister Sanjay Nishad also mentioned Vibhishans in the bjp and said that because of them the bjp had to face defeat in the lok sabha elections.

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